Nike Copa Barrio
This isn’t just Copa America. This is Copa Barrio.
Regional familiarity and shared language and customs make Copa America rivalries that much fiercer. Copa Barrio celebrated each nation’s unique footballing point of view, while encouraging fans to support their Barrio. The objective for each Copa America nation – recruit as many fans as possible to support their Barrio’s quest for absolute victory. Filmed live, with no scripts to adhere to, players from the Argentinian and the Brazilian teams were captured in two films interacting with their fans. Facebook became the hub for over 34 000 fans to sign up and support their barrios. They created over 40 000 posters and headlines featuring Nike footballers and user generating moto's.
Overall Copa Barrio provided a platform for Nike and teams to talk about the tournament.
Role: Interactive Concept
Credits: W+K Amsterdam | Akqa